Employee Rights During COVID These are some of the stories our lawyers have heard since the outbreak of COVID-19: Do I have to accept my employer’s decision to cut my salary by 25%? My employer has laid me off temporarily. Can they do this? What are my rights? My employer is forcing me to take […]

If you have just been fired, you might have heard the word “mitigation” used by your company, or from a lawyer. It’s an important concept to understand in order to protect your rights. Here’s an explanation of what it means and how it relates to dismissal cases. What is mitigation? Mitigation means taking steps to […]

Companies fire employees every day. Most people never expect to be fired. Most people are not ready for the emotional and financial costs of a surprise dismissal. Here are six answers employees should learn before being fired, to help minimize the impact of a surprise dismissal. How much severance will I get if I get […]

Employees should be careful when combining personal social media and their job. It is a smart idea to keep personal social media and the workplace separate. Social media allows people to connect with others as never before. Sites like LinkedIn help professionals looking to expand their business networks. Other social media sites like Facebook connect […]